TAEK WON DO Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
TAEK WON DO Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Early Koreans developed unique martial art forms for unarmed self defense to complement their skills with weapons. The first recorded
evidence of what was to become modern Taekwondo is found about two thousand years ago in Korean history. A mural painting from the
Koguryu Kingdom (37 B.C to 66 A.D.) was found in a tomb believed to have been built sometime during the period 3 to 427 A.D .
This mural depicts figures practicing martial arts techniques. Historical records from this Koguryu period also mention the practice of martial arts
techniques and tournaments. The early forms had different names, such as Kwonbak, Bakhi, Dangsoo, Taesoo and Kongsoo.
From about 600 A.D. to about 1400, the mainstream dominant form was Soobak, which further evolved into Taekyon beginning in the late 1300s.
Taekyon was the dominant Korean martial art form until the Japanese invasion and occupation of Korea in 1909. From 1909 to 1945, the Japanese
suppressed Korean culture and martial arts, and introduced Japanese culture and martial arts.
Tae- A system of foot techniques
Kwon- A system of hand techniques
Do - The art of experiencing the ultimate being through physical and metaphysical enlightenment. Put simply, Taekwondo means 'foot, fist, way'.
Taekwon-do Today
Taekwondo is widely practiced throughout the world. It is now a recognized Olympic sport since the Sydney Olympics in 2000 after featuring as a
demonstration sport at the Seoul Winter Olympics in 1988. The popularity of Taekwondo continues to grow through a network of local,
national and international clubs.
Courtesy(to be kind) - (Ye Ul)
Integrity (to be honest) - (Yom Chi)
Perseverance (nevergive up) - (In Nae)
Self-Control (control the body with the mind) - (Guk Gi)
Indomitable Spirit(Incapable of being overcome or subdued) - (Baekjul Boolgool)
as it's recited before every class:
I shall observe the tenets of Taekwondo.
I shall respect my instructors and seniors.
I shall never misuse Taekwondo.
I will be a champion of freedom and justice.
I will build a more peaceful world.
I shall achieve the rank of Black belt.